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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » 齊豫 Chyi » 這就是人生 » Wishful milenio 千禧願

歌 手: 齊豫 (Chyi)

歌 曲: Wishful milenio 千禧願 (專 輯:這就是人生)

上傳會員: kaihang

日 期: 1999 - 11

歌 詞
讓美麗有門 讓惡有救
偽裝盡棄 簡約甚上 捨去負擔
自然能飛 星空下 遠方傳來密音
答案就在問題裡 絕望之外是希望
沙漠繁花綻放 愚人失措
正當你無所適從 是子宮還是墳墓
看進花心 果實其中 願火與水和解
拳頭消失於張手的剎那 謹記煉火
不忘苦痛 為免重蹈覆轍
交出積怨 擁抱失寵
咒語隨即解除 願淚不再因悲傷而流
Wishful Milenio
Come milenio,let there be doors to beauty
Come milenio,let there be cure for spite
No more disguise,simplicity thrives
Be weight ss so we can fly
Right under the stars,a voice from afar
A key I have placed in your heart
Come milenio,the answer lies in the question
Come milenio,beyond the despair there is hope
The desert may bloom,bewilder the fool
so much is left unrevealed
You haven't a clue,a womb or a tomb
Look into a flower you'll see fruit
Come milenio,many fire make peace with water
Come milenio,a fist ends with open hand
Remember the flames,forget not the pains
Lest we make the same mistake
Surrender the grudge,embrace the unloved
The curses no longer beheld
Come milenio,many tears shed not out of sorrow
Come milenio,may we cherish what we've

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