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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » 克雷格大衛 Craig David » Bore To Do It » Time To Party

歌 手: 克雷格大衛 (Craig David)

歌 曲: Time To Party (專 輯:Bore To Do It)

上傳會員: endlessfame

日 期: 2002 - 8

歌 詞
作曲:craig david 作詞:craig david 編曲:craig david

On Friday (on Friday)
Time to party (time to party)
Let me see you swing and sway
Tell me are you with me?
Are you with me (X2)
Friday, payday
Ready to do the things we love
We're gonna get out groove on
All night long
(Ho Hey) Give it up now for the DJ (Uh huh yeah)
And put your hands where my eyes can see
It may be raining but who cares about the weather? (Get up)
Cos when the heat is on we'll all be getting wetter (Stand up)
It's the start of the weekend
Don't waste no time
For tonight is your night

On Friday (on Friday)
Time to party (time to party)
Let me see you swing and sway
Tell me are you with me?
Are you with me (X2)

Everybody's feeling right (Feeling right)
Cos we know It's party night (Ooh yeah)
All the ladies looking tight
Whether silk ot satin lace or leather
Ooh what a sight
Here's where the party starts things can only get better (Get up)
Just make your way onto to the dance floor get together (Stand up)
It's the start of the weekend don't waste no time
For tonight is your night

On Friday (on Friday)
Time to party (time to party)
Let me see you swing and sway
Tell me are you with me?
Are you with me (X2)

This party be going on 'till the break of dawn
Lets give it up (what what) Lets get it on
Break open a bottle of moet & chandon and when it's gone
We'll star on the Dom Perignon
This vibes makin' me high
Like Toi surrounded bye
Other people movin' their body
We be kicking mad flava in ya ear
Big shout to the people round the side
In the front at the rear
This is gonna be one hell of a year
And there's no way that I'm lettin' anyone interfere
This is how we do getting it on in the venue
Can you check my microphone 1 2 (Ooh wee)
Can you give it up now please for the DJ
Giving uou a party like a Summer Sortay Okay
Let's see those hands in the air
And wave them around like you just don't care, come on

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