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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Chris Brown(桀傲不羈) Chris Brown » F.A.M.E » Deuces (Ft Tyga & Kevin McCall)

歌 手: Chris Brown(桀傲不羈) (Chris Brown)

歌 曲: Deuces (Ft Tyga & Kevin McCall) (專 輯:F.A.M.E)

上傳會員: sinta

日 期: 2011 - 4

歌 詞
作詞:Kevin McCall、Michael Stevenson、Chris Brown
作曲:Michael Stevenson、Kevin McCall、Chris Brown

Chris Brown Verse 1:

All that bullshit is for the birds
You ain't nothin but a vulture
Always hopin for the worst
Waiting for me to fuck up up
You'll regret the day when I find another girl, yeah
Who knows just what I need, she knows just what I mean
When I tell her keep it drama free
Ohohohohohohohoh… x2
I told you that I'm leaving(deuces)
I know you mad but so what?
I wish you best of luck
And now im bout to throw them deuces up


I'm on some new shit
I'm chuckin my deuces up to her
I'm moving on to something better, better, better
No more tryin to make it work
You made me wanna say bye bye
Say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2]

Tyga Verse 2:

Uh, Use to be valentines
Together all the time
Thought it was true love, but you know women lie
It's like I sent my love with a text two times
Call cause I care but I ain't get no reply
Tryna see eye to eye but its like we both blind
Fuck it lets hit the club, i rarely sip but pour me some
Cause when it's all said and done
I ain't gon' be the one that she can always run to
I hate liars, fuck love I'm tired of tryin
My heart big but it beat quiet
I don't never feel like we vibin
Cause every time we alone it's a awkward silence
So leave your keys on the kitchen counter
And gimme back that ruby ring with the big diamond
Shit is over, whatchu trippin for?
I don't wanna have to let you go
But baby I think its better if I let you know


I'm on some new shit
I'm chuckin my deuces up to her
I'm moving on to something better, better, better
No more tryin to make it work
You made me wanna say bye bye
Say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2]

K Mc verse 3:

Look, my shorty always on some bullshit like Chicago
So I flip that middle finger and the index finger follow
Deuces, we ain't got no future in tomorrow
I'm a dick, so it shouldn't be that hard to swallow
The other chick I'm with never complain
She make wanna leave the one im with Usher Raymond
Probably didn't register, don't trip, later on it will
Shorty full of drama like gangsta grizzles
I finally noticed it, it finally hit me
Like Tina did Ike in the limo, it finally hit me
I got a new chick, and she ain't you
She ball a pay big, she give me déjà vu
And all that attitude, I don't care bout it
But all that shit I do for her, you gon hear bout it
Breezy rep two up, two down
But I'm just puttin two up, chuckin up the deuce now


I'm on some new shit
I'm chuckin my deuces up to her
I'm moving on to something better, better, better
No more tryin to make it work
You made me wanna say bye bye
Say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2]

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